Fill the map

Master thesis about Integrating objective data and citizen knowledge for Participatory Urban Planning.
Project research, data analysis and visualization
for Cartography Master, 2023.

Urban data visualization is a powerful tool for decision-making processes in participatory urban planning. In these processes, visualizations should enable stakeholders to explore, create hypotheses, make sense of, and interpret patterns in the data. By merging objective data with citizen knowledge, such visualizations can ensure the incorporation of the voices and experiences of residents and community members, making the visualizations more inclusive and accurate. However, a significant challenge remains: designing visualizations that enable both stakeholders with expertise (technical experts such as urban planners, geographers, and architects) and those without (neighborhood experts, such as residents) to effectively make connections between layers and interpret patterns in urban data to enhance decision-making processes. This study aimed to identify optimal cartographic visualization strategies that could deal with this interpretation gap.

Check my thesis poster here
Read my thesis here

Resources used: Open data, Participatory mapping workshops, Survey GIS softwares and Adobe package.